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“But, this will make me look bad if it doesn’t go right.”

Change may mean a personal sacrifice. But should it? Should change involve a great personal risk to you or your team? listen to John as he explains a recent situation and after thinking about it for two weeks how he would respond differently --- Send in a voice message:

THREE Leadership Insights for 2022 (that I learned when my son had major surgery)

{HEADS UP -- this episode is 59-min long. If it helps one person it's worth it.}  I hesitated for a LONG time to record this episode. I wanted to share 3 super interesting insights that I've noticed this year when talking to business executives. But the only analogy that I kept thinking about was emotional for me to verbalize.  It brought up an emotional experience we as a family had on my son Tanner was 6-mo old.  I have several conversations each week with high-level executives at companies and nonprofit organizations. If you've never had consistent conversations with CXO individuals, these are NOT a sales pitch. They are NOT meant to persuade.  Conversations at this level are meant to be an OPEN dialogue.  A give-and-take situation.  In this episode I will share three things that I've noticed to be true in 2022. I will draw on an experience we had with my son to help form analogies that may help you implement the insights/lessons easier and faster. Much Success, John Millen III --- Send in a voice message:

My Social Media Tips

I was recently given a compliment on LinkedIn about my social media and marketing posts. It was sincere. It was honest. And it made me feel good. Made me stop and think what have I been doing and how did I learn this. Hopefully these five or six tips will help you. --- Send in a voice message:

CFO Tip: $182K to offer 3 Health Plans?!

WTH! Did you know that offering multiple medical plans to your employees might be costing you 100’s of $1000’s of dollars extra? --- Send in a voice message:

HR Insights: 2 Key Ideas for 2022 (DEI)

This episode is for my human resource friends. DEI is an initiative that most companies are now thinking about. I dig into two issues related to healthcare. One is the cost of family coverage. Two is the network access your employees have. --- Send in a voice message:

Healthcare Financing: for human resources professionals

Imagine during your next open enrollment meeting that you tell your employees their healthcare costs are going down 15% and the deductible is dropping from $2000-$250. How would you feel about delivering that news? What impact would that have on the employees listening to that? Until you understand the rules of healthcare financing you will believe that that is NOT possible. Listen to the short audio clip from John Millen as he gives you an insight into what has changed with financing your healthcare benefits. --- Send in a voice message:

Healthcare Financing: for CFOs/Finance Directors

Healthcare financing should be looked at over a multi year time horizon not every 12 months. Listen to John Millen as he explains some very important changes to healthcare financing tactics that CFO$ need to be familiar with. --- Send in a voice message:

Healthcare Financing: for CEO/Owners/Executive Directors

Will you be in business five years from now? If yes then why are you financing your healthcare expenses only 12 months at a time? Listen to this 12 minute educational audio clip with John explains the fundamentals you need to be aware of to control your Health care budget. --- Send in a voice message:

Affordable Insulin Now Act: Great for Employees. Horrendous for Employers!!!

Most likely on January 1, 2023 consumers that use insulin are in for a great day. The cost of co-pays for most insulin will be capped at $35 per month. This is great news for consumers. This is great news for employees. This is great news for families. This is HORRENDOUS news for Employers. If you manage benefits in anyway or are the owner or CEO of an organization please listen to this. --- Send in a voice message:
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