
PARTIAL SELF FUNDING: What is it? What you need to know?

When financing your healthcare costs one option to control future cost increases, improve coverage and regain control, many employers are considering PARTIAL self funding (not FULL self funding). There is a BIG difference in terminology that you MUST understand. Watch John Millen as he explains how this works and what to watch out for so […]

HSA Plans + Self Funding = NON SENSE

Watch John Millen educate you on WHY it makes NO SENSE to have an HSA plan inside a SELF-FUNDED healthcare plan. Be ready, he will challenge some of your existing preconceived thoughts.

$609,970 (billed) — reduced to — $61,607 (paid)

If your Property & Casualty agent OVER-CHARGED you 10 TIMES what they should have, would you be concerned? I hope so. Watch this 8-min clip from John Millen as he explains this EXACT situation related to HEALTHCARE insurance costs.

Lasers? This is a word you need to understand!!!

Lasers. This is a word you need to understand if you are considering financing your health care expenses on a partial self-funded basis. The days of not understanding healthcare terminology are over. As the owner president CEO or CFO of your company it’s imperative you understand some basic terminology. It’s your money. It’s your employees. […]

CARRIER BONUSES Misaligned Interests

$4,000,000 in BONUSES were paid to the health insurance broker for this School District in Florida. WOW. They got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. BUT…everyone is doing this. Well, almost everyone. If you are the CEO, CFO, Exec Dir or BOD Member you have a FIDUCIARY responsibility on this. Gallagher got caught. […]


Why take two pills when you only have to take one? That was the philosophy of Horizon Pharma in developing Duexis®, a medication that combines two common and inexpensive medications — ibuprofen, an NSAID, and famotidine, a stomach protectant — into one tablet. The least effective medication is one that the patient doesn’t take, so […]

SALES Tip: Disqualify quickly

If you are involved in selling anybody anything this tip could really help you. It will relax you. It will put you to ease. It will increase your confidence. Put the person at ease by disqualifying quickly. Watch the video.
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